About ManVsMovies

For those interested in the site and the man behind the name, here’s some background info.

Who are you?

Just another guy with a love for the cinematic art form and enough knowledge to get into the details of what works and what doesn’t in specific circumstances.

On a more personal level, I’m a regular twentysomething (22 at the time of writing this) guy with a regular job and a regular life. I just have an unhealthy level of knowledge and passion for movies.

Have I seen you before?

Maybe. I wrote for another site for a couple of years; however I needed something a little more personal, so I created a WordPress account and scraped ManVsMovies together for creative control.

Why do you format your reviews like that?

The vast majority of reviews and articles regarding movies tend to jump from topic to topic on a dime, and I like a bit more structure in critical writing. Obviously there’s some more fluidity within that method, which is why it’s so popular, but it’s not for me. I prefer a thorough yet concise mix of topical information and examination.

Why do you grade movies out of 100?

The 4/5/10 star scales I normally encounter on other sites just don’t do it for me. Using that system, it can be hard to tell whether a writer only barely gives a particular rating or if they’re firm in their decision. With a hundred scale, there’s a bit more accuracy in the grade.

For example, if I think a movie is on the low end of a particular grade, I can give it a score that ends in zero or one, and if I’m confident in another, I can give it a score that ends with a five or six. You get the idea.

Can I request a movie for you to review?

Absolutely! Most of the time I don’t know what I’ll be covering next (unless there’s a litany of new releases that I want to see), so suggestions are always welcome. Of course, there will be some movies that I have no interest in, and I don’t want to force myself to watch something I don’t see any promise in, so some requests will go unrequited. Don’t fret though, there’s a lot of variety in what I watch.

I have a mile-long list of over 4000 movies I’d like to write about before I die. It should go without saying that I’ll be working at this for a while.

Do you have a review schedule?

Unfortunately, no. As mentioned, I work a normal job with normal hours, though what days I work aren’t set in stone. Together with the length of my reviews and watching the movies they’re about, it’s about a four-hour process to write one piece, give or take depending on the runtime.

I write whenever I can, so don’t expect daily posts unless this somehow becomes a reliable source of income.